Why use CloudSpin

CloudSpin is a free resource for people to use. host, and learn on. The web has many resources, and many of them are free. However you normally don’t get a chance to configure you own system the way you want to.


CloudSpin offers Infrastructure as a Service so you can setup your server to do anything you like. We offer a small selection of images, and the choices of images will continue to grow. You can find that here

CloudSpin offers Platform as a Service for those of you who do not want to setup your own server, you just want to deploy your app today.  You can find that here


We are offering the best that the up-stream has to offer. Un-Molested.

Why don’t I molest the interface, well that’s simple. I am one guy, and can only do so much. You can also refer directly to the upstream documentation without having to put two and 9 together.


If there are any Front-End guys who want to give me a hand, please email me donny@cloudspin.me