The storage migration

In the next few weeks I will be overhauling CloudSpin to change the storage backend to something more stable, and much faster *cough* glusterFS. During this migration there will be times when the entire system to include this site will not be available.   I will also be changing the interconnection system so downtime is going to be a must.

I have been working on this for sometime, and I am waiting on a few more pieces of hardware to show up. I was able to purchase hardware to increase capacity and speed via a generous donation from an unnamed source. When the hardware arrives there may be periods of time where you will not be able to even access this site. This site runs on our PaaS, and as it is migrated it will be down for a short period of time. I will ensure minimal downtime, and I surely don’t want anyone to lose their hard work done on CloudSpin.

Why might you ask didn’t I just set it up that way to begin with, and the answer is quite simple. I didn’t have the hardware to make it happen.


If you have any special requests, or your using CloudSpin for something critical please email me so I know not to take it down during the middle of one of your tests or presentations. I am a totally reasonable fella, and I am willing to accommodate any request no matter how small you think it may be. The whole point of a cloud is for there never to be any interruptions… I can say with 100% confidence that not even AWS can promise you that.


I will make a post 24 hours prior to the migration, and I will send everyone an email to the registered address. I know many of you registered with emails that you don’t check out of spam fear, so I guess you just won’t know without checking the site.




Donny D


I am ready to accept donations to keep this project alive and well. The money donated will first be used to fund a better connection and get IPv4 so all the VM’s will have dual stack capabilities.  The next order of business will be to get more hardware, and begin offering a enough resources for you to actually host a real server at CloudSpin. I am shooting for minimums of 1GB of ram, 1 proc, and 40GB of space.

If you haven’t already figured it out, I am not in CloudSpin for money, I do this so developers have somewhere to fire up their project and put it on the real internet. This is a place to chop, cut, rebuild, and work together.

I am also looking for someone to help with the front-end and help make CloudSpin look as good as it works(stop laughing:). If you are willing to donate your time, I would be elated.

You can donate monies to the project here, and please email me if you have skills and time you would like to donate.

Donny Davis

What works, and What doesn’t

Ovirt –

On CloudSpin, the system has console limitations. You cannot use the native console because libvirtd doesn’t listen on IPv6 by default. If I change this setting to have libvirtd listen on IPv6 for        consoles, its breaks other things. Until I can get more ipv4 addresses, then you have to use the web browser based console. By default set as noVNC.

Everything else works


Openshift –

Setting your own domain name doesn’t currently work, and I am actively troubleshooting why it does not work.

Everything else works



Donny D

FreeBSD 10 Released on CloudSpin

There is now a FreeBSD template for your server-ing pleasure. It runs quite well, however it is a little different from our other cloud images.

The default user name and password is


I cannot reliably get bsd-cloudinit to run, so default usernames and passwords have been added.

FreeBSD is light, and fast. Hosting your web server or cloud app on it should provide a stable, and speedy server.


Donny D

So how is it going?

Please reply to this post with your user experience so far.

Does cloudspin offer more/less/same features as other providers you have used?

How can we make things better? (I know IPv4, but it’s not currently an option)

Anything else you would like to say 🙂


Donny D

Templates in CloudSpin

Everyone has access to create templates, and if you create something great share it. CloudSpin is a community and you are allowed unadultered access. Your templates can be made global by checking the Allow all user access to this Template box.




PS. Sorry for making the blank template unavailable.



Cloud-Init only works if you select a Linux OS for operating system type, and Users do not have access to do that. I will update it when your template is submitted.